Our cupcake wrappers are designed for large muffin-style cupcakes. Do not cook cupcakes in the wrappers. Cook in plain cupcake cases then when cool and iced you can put your cupcakes into the cupcake wrappers.
The files for this product are in PDF format in a Zip file. You will need a PDF reader to open them. If you are on a desktop PC, you can download Adobe Acrobat here. If you are on a mobile phone, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader from your app store. Files are in both US Letter size and UK A4 Size.
Files Included:
- 1 X Army Pattern Cupcake Wrappers
- 1 XArmy Pattern with Happy Birthday Cupcake Wrappers
- Toppers with editable Name and Age
Edit your template using Adobe Acrobat
You can download it FREE here https://get.adobe.com/uk/reader/
The files which have elements that you can edit, are labelled ‘EDITABLE’ in the file.
When you open the file you will see a box around the editable element.
Click on this and you can delete it then type in your personalisation.
Save the file then you can print it.
You will need to print these files on your own home computer, for best results we would recommend using the highest quality settings in your printer preferences. Printing on glossy photo paper will give you a high quality shiny result, alternatively white 160g card will give you a quality matt finish.
Cut wrappers and toppers out with scissors.
Wrap the cupcake wrapper round and sellotape it in place so that the ends are overlapping by approx. 1cm. To assemble the toppers you will need cocktail sticks; sellotape the toppers to the cocktail sticks then stick them into your finished cupcakes.